Shabbat ServicesUpcoming Services and Celebrations Shalom Everyone! Today, August 30, Friday some of us are away at a conference with the YMJA! Please keep the YMJA so that all the young adults get to know and grow more in the grace and knowledge of Yeshua our Messiah! Upcoming services: 1. August 30, Friday no gatehring 2. August 31, Saturday, Regular Shabbat Service @11am at 1470 Myrtle Lake Hills Road, Longwood Fl 32750 3. September 4, Wednesday Echad Tracks Canceled 4. September 7, Saturday, Special and Final Shabbat at 1470 Myrtle Lake Hills Road, 32750 5. September 11, Wednesday, Bible Study TBD You do not want to miss our service September 7! Blessings in Yeshua, Jacob R. |